I’ll Be Home For Christmas

Have you ever experienced post-holiday fatigue? It’s like going on vacation with your kids but when you come home you need a vacation to recover from your vacation. We look forward to “the most wonderful time of the year” all year long to only find ourselves overexerted – entering the new year more tired and with less money than before the holiday season.


Don’t Overbook Yourself

The Holidays bring their own animal of hustle and bustle into our lives and can lead us to more stress rather than joy. Like all year long, it’s important to be intentional with your time understanding that you will not be able to please everyone. It’s okay to say no to invitations in order to keep your sanity and save some of that time to unplug.

When invited to an event, ask yourself “will this fill my cup right now or would I be going for the sake of not hurting anyone’s feelings?” It’s important to be intentional with your time - understanding that you can’t please everyone.


Stick To Your Budget

The American Christmas culture has become about consumerism more than anything else. With social media consistently showing you peoples’ life’s highlights - it is easy to start comparing your lives to theirs and all the cool stuff they got that you don’t. A season that’s supposed to bring you peace can lead to actually giving you anxiety about all the things you have to buy in order to create a perfect, magical Christmas for your family (just like in the Hallmark movies).  Even guilt can creep up if you don’t buy your kid that newest and coolest thing on the market. There are many cheap or even free activities that you can partake in with your family this year that will create that magical Christmas feel. Going to see the Christmas lights or going to see a church Christmas play are just a few examples of how to do that. Sticking to your Christmas budget will leave you less stressed going into the New Year.


To sum up, there is a way you can prevent post-holiday fatigue and enter the new year with joy and rejuvenation. Don’t overbook yourself this holiday season. Be intentional with your time and stick to a budget!



If you have any other tips on how to have a peaceful holiday season, fire off in the comments. We look forward to hearing from you.  If you would like to find support or connect with a therapist connect with our team at www.compasscounseling.com.  If you would like to schedule an appointment today click here!

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Here’s the truth, you are overwhelmed, stuck, and know something has got to change, but asking for help is hard. Most people think that their problems are not big enough for counseling and wait 8 years or more to reach out for help. At Compass Counseling we know that we all have mental health and you want to feel good about yourself and your relationships.  Over the past 8 years, we have crafted an excellent team of professionals that have served thousands of people in Western KY and we want to help you on your path to change.  Our Master's level therapists will support you and teach you skills to learn to manage the overwhelm and overcome your struggle. When you leave your first session, you will feel confident & ready to start on your path of change. Connect with us today at www.compasscouseling.com or schedule an appointment. 



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