April Showers Bring May Flowers: 4 Tips That Can Help You Weather The Storm

No matter how many sunny days you get to enjoy in a row, rain is usually inevitable – unless you spent the summer of 2022 in Kentucky when the existence of rain was questionable. Unfortunately facing some form of hardships during your lifetime is guaranteed like consistent April showers before global warming. No matter how much education you get or money you save up; hardships don’t discriminate – they visit everyone! They can take the form of a breakup, a loss of a loved one, financial struggles, and the list goes on and on. The good news is that there are scientifically proven ways you and I can cope during difficult times and recover effectively. Your mental health can take a big punch to the gut during a difficult time in your life – leaving you feeling completely hopeless. In order to ease the punch a little bit and provide some cushion between you and the difficult time at hand; consistently taking care of your mental health is key. Below I will be sharing research-based coping mechanisms that will help you weather the storm and prepare you for the next time. 

1. Practice Self-Care 

This is the most basic but universal way that each human can feel better emotionally and physically. Practicing self-care means doing certain things that will better your physical or mental health. This can look like choosing to eat your veggies and going on a walk because you know you will feel so much better afterward instead of partaking in a cheesecake (which does feel like self-care sometimes). I get it. During a difficult time in your life, the last thing you want to do is eat a veggie burger or exercise, but it can truly make a difference! Be kind to yourself during this time and start with the little things like drinking water and getting enough sleep. 

2. Participate in a Positive and Challenging Activity you Enjoy 

Find something that you can use as a healthy escape from a daunting season in your life! Notice I said healthy. This means binging Netflix or social media is not on the roster. Some people enjoy quilting in their downtime. This activity winds them down and allows them to escape the stress of life. For me, on the other hand, this would not be an activity that winds me down (it might cause me stress actually). Below you will find a small list of fun and creative ideas that you can try.

  • form or join a book club 

  • go to a painting class 

  • volunteer at your local theater 

  • try cooking one new dish a week 

  • do something nice for a neighbor 

  • start a blog 

3. Find Your People 

Helen Keller once said, “alone, we can do so little;  together, we can do so much”. This quote resonates with me while writing this blog because during difficult times in my life while feeling really down, I didn’t have the strength to weather the storm on my own. I needed people. Thankfully I had them to help me carry the load. I encourage you to find your people and get connected with a community where you feel safe and heard. Below you will find a list of ways you can find a friend or a whole community. 

  • Join an active Facebook group that you identify with (ex: pet lovers, college students, military wives, etc.)

  • Join a church 

  • Take an in-person class where you can meet other people with the same interest 

  • Join a local sports team 

  • Join an exercise class at your local gym  

4. Seek Out Professional Counseling

I can’t think of a better person to talk to during a difficult time in life or recovering from one than a mental health professional.  A counselor is trained to guide you and equip you with tools to cope with depression and anxiety during stressful times in your life. Seeking professional help not only will guide you to an effective way of coping with life’s adversities but also strengthen your mental health for the future. Besides, it’s really nice to have a consistent person in your corner whose priority is your wellness.


If you have any other tips for enduring a difficult time in life, fire them off in the comments. We look forward to hearing from you.  If you would like to find support or connect with a therapist connect with our team at www.compasscounseling.com.  If you would like to schedule an appointment today click here!

Download our Free E-Book 10 Questions to Ask Before Starting Counseling. Learn more at www.compasscounseling.com If you would like to schedule an appointment today visit our website or call/text 270-777-4490.

Here’s the truth, you are overwhelmed, stuck, and know something has got to change, but asking for help is hard. Most people think that their problems are not big enough for counseling and wait 8 years or more to reach out for help. At Compass Counseling we know that we all have mental health and you want to feel good about yourself and your relationships.  Over the past 8 years, we have crafted an excellent team of professionals that have served thousands of people in Western KY and we want to help you on your path to change.  Our Master's level therapists will support you and teach you skills to learn to manage the overwhelm and overcome your struggle. When you leave your first session, you will feel confident & ready to start on your path of change. Connect with us today at www.compasscouseling.com or schedule an appointment. 

Yuliya Phillips